Please be advised that the Registrar's Office is currently updating the Registrar Portal. For online inquiries, please contact our office via the following email addresses: - For requests regarding credentials, certifications, and authentications. - For requests regarding readmission (inactive students), completion permits, program shifting, special evaluation, overloading, and tutorial classes. - For employment verifications and other inquiries.
You may also visit our office on the 3rd floor of the GV Hall or call 87155170, extension 120.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Important: Students who does not have outstanding balances during the semester/term they received the incomplete(INC.) grade may now apply for completion permits. Incomplete(INC.) grades obtained during the 2nd Semester 2021-2022 must be completed on or before June 3, 2023.
INC. grades obtained during the Midyear 2022 must be completed on or before August 2, 2023.
INC. grades obtained during the 1st Semester 2022-2023 must be completed on or before December 22, 2023.
STEP 1: Application for Completion Permit
Prepare a scanned/captured copy of your school ID/adviser slip then fill out the Completion Permit Application Form in the quick link BLUEFORM.
STEP 2: Payment of Completion Permit/s
Processing fee for completion permit is Php 150 per course (subject).
If the completion permit/s will be sent to you via courier, courier fees are as follows:
- Courier via 2G0 (min of 0.5 kg) - based on the destination
Payments may be deposited or transferred online to CCP Union Bank account:
Account number: 00-903-000267-0
OR send through GCASH
Name: Ceres Alcantara
GCASH Number: 09195816584
STEP 3: Issuance/Mailing of Completion Permit/s
Pick-up Schedules:
Please email with the word "PICKUP" and your student name as the SUBJECT; your student number and contact number as the MESSAGE; and the scanned or captured copy of your payment slip as a file attachment. Please write your name as well in the payment slip.
For requests submitted online from Mondays to Thursdays, completion permits will be issued on the Tuesday of the following week from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM.
For requests submitted online from Fridays to Sundays, completion permits will be issued on the Friday of the following week from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM.
Having a representative claiming your credentials requires an authorization letter with a scanned or captured copy of valid ID or passport of the requester and the representative.
Shipping via Courier (2Go):
Here are the procedures on how completion permits will be sent to you via courier:
Please email with the word "COURIER" and your student name as the SUBJECT; your student number, complete address (with zip code) and contact number as the MESSAGE; and the scanned or captured copy of your payment slip as a file attachment. Please write your name as well in the payment slip.
The shipping date is not the same as the pickup schedules of completion permits at CCP. We regularly forward documents to 2go during Fridays only.
Please be guided by these procedures accordingly.
Students without any documentary deficiency or outstanding balance from the previous semester may now apply for special evaluation.
Special evaluation can now be requested by sending the following information and files to the email address
1. Subject line format : SPE - Student Name (Last, First MI) - Student Number - Contact Number
Ex. SPE - REYES, JOHN L - 201721234 - 09194552781
2. Attach the following files in jpeg or pdf format
Processing fee is Php 150.00. Payment of can be made through the given GCASH Account below:
Name: Ceres Alcantara
Gcash Number: 09195816584
Temporary results of the special evaluation will be sent via email. Original copies will be also released to the student (pickup only).
Students may now apply for tutorial classes for the 1st Semester 2023-2024.
A student requesting to enroll courses on tutorial basis shall only be allowed to do so only on the following conditions:
a) The student is 4th or 5th year standing;
b) No outstanding balance; and
c) Courses requested is not a regular offering during the term it is requested or no longer offered.
As a preliminary requirement, please email a scanned/captured copy of the following:
a) SIGNED request letter enumerating your requested course for tutorial (see sample below);
The Registrar
Central Colleges of the Philippines
Dear Sir
I would like to request for the offering of the courses listed below as TUTORIAL classes this 1st Semester 2023-2024.
1. Engl 01 3 units
2. Math 243 3 units
{State the reason why you need to take the requested courses as a tutorial.}
For your approval. Thank you.
Respectfully yours,
{your signature}
Juan S. Dela Cruz
Graduating {Graduating/Old Student/Cross Enrollee - 1st Semester 2023-2024}
BSBA - 4 {program and year level}
09961234567 {contact number}
b) School ID / any valid ID / latest Adviser Slip
** Subject line must be: TUTORIAL - Your Name
** The last day of filing of application for tutorial classes is on August. 31, 2023.
A student may request to revise their course loads – add, change and/or delete courses – upon the approval of their respective Deans / Academic Heads within the prescribed period, contingent on a fee per course involved in the revision process. A student needing to revise his/her course loads must do so not later than two (2) weeks after the opening of classes.
The student needs to submit a capture copy of his or her Advisers Slip (AS) and a signed request letter to the Dean / Academic Head via email based on the sample format below:
Once the request has already been reviewed and validated, an endorsement from the Dean/Academic Head will be forwarded to the Registrar. Upon the approval of the Registrar, the Computer Technology Center will issue an updated AS to the student.
A graduating student (college) or a senior student on his/her last academic year bound to enroll more than 27 units may request for a one-time overloading on course loads as long as he/she does not have a grade of No Credit nor Dropped during the preceding semester and does not have an outstanding balance to settle.
The student needs to submit a capture copy of his or her ID and a signed request letter to the Dean / Academic Head via email based on the sample format below format:
Once the request has already been reviewed and validated, an endorsement from the Dean/Academic Head will be forwarded to the Registrar. The Registrar will notify the student and the Computer Technology Center in terms of the approval status of the request.
A student who is inactive for one (1) semester or more who would like to be re-enrolled is required to submit a signed request letter to the Registrar via email,, with any valid ID as an attachment. The student number and contact number of the requesting student must also be printed in the request letter.
The Registrar Office will check the account and the documentary records of the student before it will be forwarded to the Deans / Academic Heads. It is up to the college/department if the readmission applicant can still be accommodated for enrolment based on the academic status of the applicant and the current course offerings.
Please be guided by these procedures accordingly.